Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside!

An office full of people whose cups are half empty can be waring and boy am I worn out. Even the Grinch would feel the chill in this office!!!!! No sorry he'd feel the heat :) Thank goodness it is not any warmer. Unfortunately the muppets have decided that wearing clothes appropriate for the season is below them and we should all cook. Our customers come in from the outside dressed for the weather and walk into heat comparable with the beaches in Hawaii in August. I know this is not just this office that has this problem but boy what a group of two year olds. I now firmly believe that reversion to childhood as you get older also happens to people in certain proffessions. I work in what should be a happy job so I guess I tend to be an optimist but if you deal with disasters and misfortune I think it must rub off on some people. Certainly the muppets in here seem to thrive on misery and misfortune.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!

The season event of the century was held last week and all the important people were there! By that I mean the majority of the muppets were absent. It was a high dollar affair with everyone wearing the latest hottest fashions :) The absence of the muppets was caused by them not being able to bring spouses. I personally think it  was a kindness on the part of the company because my spouse would not want to spend the evening with the muppets and secondly if they had we'd would have had all the muppets and the spouses whom we shall refer to as the Fraggle rock group! Catering was up to the usual company standards but at least this time we were allowed dinner plates to eat off. The office as usual is full of Christmas spirit and good can hear the moaning from almost every department, but in the background plays the annual serving of Christmas music...........Joy to the World! God rest Ye merry Gentlemen......because there are none in this office and quite frankly I feel if Mary and Joseph were to walk in right now they would probably be ignored!!!!! Happy Holidays!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Well who would have believed it Floppy struck again! No not the bathroom this time.......the copier. How many buttons does it take to make one double sided copy? Well if you push them all eventually the copier goes into overload and starts pumpimg out blank sheets all over the place and yes you guessed it, what did Floppy say................"We need to call the maintenance guy!" I nearly lost it!!!! So I asked "Is that always your answer?" Needless to say we did not. I turned it off and let it reset itself and suggested that when something doesn't work you dont just keep pressing buttons.....mine or the machines. Oh the glamor!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eat Your Heart Out Oprah!

Yes the job has reached such pinnacles of glamor we will now have star the likes of Oprah begging to be us, if only for the day! Yesterdays senario shows that this job has reached the top in everyway!!!! One coworker whom for reasons of privacy we will call Floppy comes out of the rest room squeaking for a plummer. It would appear Floppy and her bodily functions have stauffed a complete roll of toilet paper down the comode and it is now backed up and covering the floor!  And I mean pleasant! Did she think of the curtesy flush half way through? No she obviously just kept on going!!!!  More and more paper, enough to keep an entire village going for a week! How big was the job you ask- well it was........... I'll leave that to your imagination!Well after numerous plungings, a wire coat hanger and an entire bottle industrial strength drano the clog was shifted and Floppy squeaks "Thanks for helping"........................really? How old do you have to be? Yes we've all clogged the toilet but do you really call a plummer straight away? Was this in my job discription or is it just a side benefit of working with Floppy and the muppets? Like I said eat your heart out Oprah, my life is glamorous!!!!!!!! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Taking responsibility

At what point does the responsibility fall onto the client?  There are calls from people wanting to know if we get notifications on dangerous traveling conditions in contries even though they didn't book anything with us.  Do you not watch the news people?  If you can't keep yourself educated on the country you are visiting then maybe you shouldn't be traveling there.  Another example would be:  Client's have gotten numerous invoices and now have documents and it is now only 2 days away from travel just to call and say "Oh I just saw that you need my legal name?"  YES!!!!! I need your legal name I told you that the first time!  Now let me work miracles and see if that tour company will change everything for you!  And no it isn't my fault.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


It is 10.41am and I have been sitting here since 830am without a single call, walk in or customer. All the sensible people are home in bed, shopping or getting ready for football. Football the all important religion of the southern states. The muppets are not here today and nor is animal so with no customers and none of them it is it is dead!  As the morning moves along so they will appear, bedheaded and clad in their favorite fleece or jammies expecting us to stay just a little longer because they couldn't get their lazy butts out of bed and they have been meaning all week to make their insurance payment or check on those flights for Thanksgiving that were so expensive on line but maybe we could beat the price..

Friday, November 12, 2010

10c Hooker

There are days in this glamorous job of ours you can end up feeling like you are selling your soul or body for a sale! Yes this is how I make my living, and I love to make a big sale but sometimes it is so much like, well how can I put it? Bending over and taking one for the team!!!! Why is that I wonder? i somehow think that can be our own fault.....we are too willing to help and loose sight of our selves. Oh now I'm getting deep!!!!!!!!!! Bad week I guess....demanding clients and "the Animal" is off her meds again :)
Why do airlines give customers frequent flyer miles....? It's not like they make it easy for them to use them, in fact it becomes almost impossible. I think I can say I hate airlines :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bathroom Etiquette

Not really a post about our job but about work in general.  Who knew the bathroom was a place to conduct business while doing your business?   Not me.  Not sure if the person on the other end would want to know that as well.  Also I know there are those of us not myself but there are some who just don't wash there hands after they go to the  bathroom.  But on that one time you come out of the bathroom and you see a coworker standing there wash your hands!!!  YUCKY!!!  That's all for the personal grype for today.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Things Happen For A Reason

Well the muppets have returned and reinforced the question as to why there is no law about them traveling. Between ATV wipe outs, agents tripping or passing out in public and questionable bedroom arrangements, it really needs to be enforced! It was by all accounts "gruelling"! I here next year they are staying State side. I doubt if they will be any safer!!!
I am all for being an informed shopper but do you tell your banker, doctor or dentist how to do their job? Then why is it people feel at liberty to treat their travel agents like uneducated morons who know nothing!
Let me tell you.........most, and I emphasize most have travelled fairly extensively and are required to constantly get further education and re vamp their knowledge. They have to know government regulations, TSA rules, insurance rules as well as resort and cruise information. All that and keep up with the latest and greatest offers out there, and all that for a wage your banker would laugh at. We do it because we have a passion for travel and visiting far away places. Make use of our knowledge and give us the benefit of the doubt we are on your side, we want you to have a good time and we do know what we are talking about for the most part!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, Monday!

I have come to the deciscion people don't think that we talk to each other. It is not unusual for one client to contact all the agents in the office for the same information....and then book it on line! Some will behave like it is only you they are talking to and then do the same with another agent, or tell you one thing and another agent another. We do talk to each other......quite a lot really! We compare horror stories and often realize we have all spoken to the same idiot on the same day. We understand shopping for prices, sure do that, it is ok but do it at another agency because we are all looking at the same thing in this office. We do have sales levels we have to reach so don't try to play us off against each other because it does no one any good especially you. It is what it is and the price we quote is not going in our pockets, we are agents who sell you products offered by companies we deal with. Some are better than others but we really do care about you getting value for money. Treat us kindly...............we are the ones who book your seats on the plane and there is always space on the back row!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

On the spot pricing

While at a party one evening the awful small talk starts and I am asked "so what do you do?"   I am a travel agent.  I am then bombarded with all the questions.  Oh that must be so fun.  I bet you get great discounts.  We are thinking about taking a cruise next year to Alaska any idea how much that would be.  I  am sorry to say that I have no idea how much a cruise to Alaska is or how much a plane ticket will be next year to go see your mom in Montana.  I don't have prices stored in my brain on every traveling itinerary.  If you want to know a price of something take my card and call me or come in.  Wow what a concept.  Would you ask a doctor you meet at a party how much a surgery would be?  I think not!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Is Romantic?

We are travel agents not mirical workers! This is a statement of fact. If the airline tells you the flight is sold out we don't have a secret to sneak you on the flight, unless you weigh less than 50lbs and are very flexible!
We do not know where you would consider romantic, because what we might think is romantic may not float your boat. We can make suggestions but please don't get pissey if we don't just solve your problems in one second. You are going to have to answer questions OK?
On other subjects there are certain people whom should never, I repeat never be allowed to drink coffee!!! When they suffer from verbal diarrhea already it is like adding ex lax to the mix!!!
We must say however peace reigns eternal as the muppets have left on their trip and we can only presume  all made it safely on to their flight and are now in the process of torturing those poor unsuspecting Mexicans.
Rigamortis has set in to the office but all is well. No crazies other than the usual staff members!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where Shall I Start?

There should be a law against muppets traveling. No one else has ever traveled and certainly never suffered the indignities of not being served food on a two hour flight or having to pay resort fees! Please a moment of silence for those poor unsuspecting Mexicans who will have to deal with this group of free loaders for four days>>>>>
Fashion in the office continues to be a point of interest and excitement. This  Falls latest look is plaid shirt, broomstick skirt and hiking boots. Not everyone can carry it off but our customer this morning completed it with striped socks! Such a bold statement!!
On the subject of pet peeves here's one. Phone call- " We booked our cruise through Carnival and our air through Southwest, can you get us a discount on transfers?".........................Nope can't do that. Why? Because we don't want Carnival. But they cost too much.............sorry! Why would you do that? Would you buy a car at one place your gas at another and expect somneone else to give you a free oil change? Think people!!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Beat The Price

One of my biggest dislikes of this business is playing beat the internet!  So far today I have had 3 calls with the dreaded words "I found this on the website what can you get it for?"   Well honey I am not here to play beat the internet.  My price won't be cheaper but it will have all the taxes included and will be accurate.    Have fun when something goes wrong and you are calling 1-800 no one cares at those wonderful bargin internet sites.  Who will be there to help you then?  Not me!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Are those Really Your Costumes!

Well the muppets have out done themselves this year! One looks just as he always does same clothes, same shoes, same shirt as has been seen in here since Noah launched the arc, Two are supposedly in costume and no one realised until they told us and as for number four............yeah it is Velour season!!!! We are so happy because velour justmakes the world go round. It looks expensive but is only $10 at Sams club.............................................................................................sorry for not writing the last two days but I've been lined up at Sams club waiting for the velour sale......couldn't miss it! REALLY? Oh yes and I quite forgot make sure your pants do not meet with your ankles it would spoil the look! As I have said before working here is like living on the before set for What Not To Wear. We have two seasons worth of candidates just in this office alone. Get a mirror people! Happy Halloween!!!!! 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wined, Dined and Wowed!

Another evening of glamor and high living! We attended a travel trade show........oh my! On registration we were given one drink coupon! Please remember this is after work and we are all really ready to be home in our jammies but in the interest of contiuing education we attended this show....we need more than one drink!!! Then our compatriots start to arrive. One as always drags her husband along. He is not in the travel industry but cannot be trusted home alone and might miss out on the free food. The reps of the companys there are friendly and have a tough job but one, whose company shall remain nameless, treated us like we had some sort of unmentionable social disease! Yes he is not one of our preferred vendors but now after the way he blew us off last night he never will be! Any way back to the show. The reps visited each table to ply their wares and behind one came this woman , who shall we say was curvy, whose shrit did not meet her pants, her pants were missing buttons and her mouth was missing teeth! We told you this life is so glamorous!!!! I guess she liked his presentation, who knows? Then comes the non contact sport for the evening. Door prizes! Let me say here that some travel proffessionals are less than proffessional when it comes to door prizes and the lady with her husband on a leash proved some can be as tacky and unclassy as our clients!
She won a teddy bear from Alaska and when they did the next drawing for wine her name was called again and they said you could only win one prize "I want the wine" she whined......I thought she had enough of her own personally, so they gave her the wine and redrew for the bear. I am pleased to say we have rehomed him away from the one with the leashed trained husband, the obvious alcohol problem and the total lack of class. Oh such is our life of glamour! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Family & Friends

Family and friends make the best clients!  I think not.  Don't get me wrong I love my family and my friends but not as clients.  For 5pm I am done till the next day with a client.  With family and friends not so much they have your home number, your cell phone number and THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!  So your day isn't over at 5pm for "those clients".  I have done numerous trips for family and am always get the phone calls at 8pm or on weekends when I am not working.  People!!!  I get off work at 5pm end of discussion!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

What's in a name?

The muppets are going crazy today. Having deep and meaningful conversations about things they know nothing about! We also have observed that wet weather does nothing to improve fashion tastes of the is maybe even worse but then it could be the lighting!!!!! Bright spot in the morning, a visit from a little person who probably knows more at 3years old than most of our clients have ever known, including her name! What is it about the question "What is your legal name?" that completely floors people? It is not an essay question or even multiple choice just an easy one answer question. We don't care if you have never used your first name or even if you hate it; we actually don't really care that much what your name is, but those people in the official looking suits at the airport do and your butt is not getting on that plane if they don't match! Oh yes and don't get upset if you tell me wrong and it cost you to correct it. We asked! It would appear that wet weather keeps the crazy's home for the most part because it is quiet today as far as walk ins goes but that could change. Somebody will leave those doors open somewhare and they'll get out and head straight over here!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I read the posting and realised I am losing my mind. I repeated yesterdays post but that is what happens to a mind full of useless information. The office is it's usual mish mash of humanities misfits. We have had an over abundance of people who fell in their laundry hampers in this morning! Red socks with white sandles...mmmmm, not to mention the braless, who should really be more careful, they could trip! Some people talk about the famous people they meet in their line of work, here we just get crazy people. Today we are getting a lot of crazy people!!! Is there a full moon?

Glamor and exotic destinations!

Well yesterday proved to be another glamorous day in the life of a travel agent!!! 730am breakfast meeting, followed by an eight hour day followed by a evening presentation going home around 8pm. All that and then of course the questions in between. I have an announcement to make.....Hawaii has not susceeded from the Union and no you do not need a passport or a visa to travel there.....really! Yes it does take more than four days to sail from New York to London, sorry, but thank goodness it is not 170 years ago when it took at least 14 days. We also understand you want a bargin but let's keep it real people, it is not going to be the same price you paid last time you traveled......10 years ago! News kangaroos in Austria, except in the zoos and Sydney is in the Southern Hemisphere!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Class (not so much!)

There is a big misconception that this business is full of wonderful free trips and stress free days.  Well we are here to tell you otherwise and show you the other side of travel.  The side that no one sees or even thinks about. However there are very humerous days where a client comes in and wants to go to Sydney Austria or they want to make sure they don't need a passport to go to Hawaii!!!  We hope you enjoy whats to come.