Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Is Romantic?

We are travel agents not mirical workers! This is a statement of fact. If the airline tells you the flight is sold out we don't have a secret to sneak you on the flight, unless you weigh less than 50lbs and are very flexible!
We do not know where you would consider romantic, because what we might think is romantic may not float your boat. We can make suggestions but please don't get pissey if we don't just solve your problems in one second. You are going to have to answer questions OK?
On other subjects there are certain people whom should never, I repeat never be allowed to drink coffee!!! When they suffer from verbal diarrhea already it is like adding ex lax to the mix!!!
We must say however peace reigns eternal as the muppets have left on their trip and we can only presume  all made it safely on to their flight and are now in the process of torturing those poor unsuspecting Mexicans.
Rigamortis has set in to the office but all is well. No crazies other than the usual staff members!

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