Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looneys on the loose!

Things do not improve as far as the number of loosers per square inch! Got a great call this morning. Quick background; client comes in just days before bad weather is predicted and wants to get out of town. I find a package, show it to them, book it they pay for it, I get documents and off they go. The call this morning, the plane was delayed because of icing, when they got to their connecting city they only had 35 minutes to make their connection and missed it. The airline re accomodated them on a later flight. They only had to wait 5 hours. On their return they lost track of days and arrived at the airport a day early. The airline had space so said they could fly for $300 fee. They flew home.Today she calls because she wants to get some money back! It was no ones fault that the weather was bad and they reaccomodated them even though they lolly gagged through the airport and whose fault was it they did'nt know what day it was? What was in those drinks and did they ever sober up while they were there? Please people stop acting like muppets and take charge of your selves and stop blaming everyone else!!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shoes polished and ready but I'm not!!

The muppets are so excited about Sunday.............freaks!!!! Yep we are all ready and rearing to go. Another weekend shot to shit and the schedule is as usual sucky!!!! Did we all get the memo about colors? We should look like a box of crayons!! The muppets are beyond redemption in here. We had a difficult customer who was getting loud and beligerent and not one of them lifted their heads or backsides to help their co worker. A shifty looking man was banging on the window yesterday at 8am but did one of the so called men in here make a move to deal with him no they all hid behind their desks to let the women deal with  him. Like I have always said......"I work with a bunch of old women!!!!" not a drop of real testosterone to be had. One is more like Mr Rogers ( but sweet) the other lives on memories of days he was a stud (or thought he was) and obviously has not checked either a mirror or with the opposite sex for the cold hard truth. As for half the females they are all too busy with the "vapours" to be able to be of any use to anyone and now we have a new one who thinks checking emails makes her busy!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's showtime baby!!

Time to put on your tap shoes and start dancing baby!!!  Sunday is the big performance, the day that we all get to put on a happy face and do some dancing.  Dancing around the masses of clients ready to book there vacations.  HA! HA! HA!..We will be surprised if we get 5 people each ready to book.